JANPOL is a family production company that was established in 1978 and since the beginning is dealing with manufacturing of steel parts and constructions.

Our many year's experience makes us being able to offer products and services at the highest level. During 34 years of activity we have supplied customers from different industries and it were individual customers as well as big companies. Products we have manufactured were for such an industries like: agricultural, heating devices, automotive, construction and finally furniture market.

During last 12 years we have specialized in production of fittings and accessories for furniture and constructions according to customer’s project. In our factory we have our own tooling department that allows us to initiate production of new components ably and in short time. We also have our own transportation fleet. Our experienced crew makes us reliable supplier and allows us to deliver goods on time and in high standard.

Press info, awards

Apreciation for years – Golden Oaks 2007


Golden Oaks is a mayor’s award that is granted in three categories: cultural-educational, economic life and open. Jury can also give an award in chosen additional category. Under consideration there are taken business activity and achievement of local companies, institutions and usual people. - We want to single out activity of people from different field of life – says mayor Piotr Downar. Leader of the jury adds that it is a prestige award not a financial one.

In 2007 in category of economic life the prize was given to Jan Kiełbasa, owner of Hydro-Agro-Technika "JANPOL". - If I was in jury I would give the prize to everyone nominated. This singling out makes me really happy- says J. Kiełbasa. The reasons of giving the award to J. Kiełbasa are such as: 29 years of activity on local market. It has a good financial structure. Increases an employment and takes care about aesthetics of office and production facilities,


quick contact

adres ul. Chojeńska 42, 74-400 Dębno
telefon +48 (95) 760 93 30
fax +48 (95) 760 93 30
e-mail biuro@janpolmetal.pl
gg 4918468